Posts Tagged ‘ followers ’

What the Tweet?

As obvious as it seems, I think sometimes we forget: if people choose to follow our companies on Twitter, they’re doing it for a reason – not just to see us navel gaze.  So how do we aim to please this opt-in audience?  Exact Target and CoTweet surveyed 1500 consumers to find out (see chart below).  The bottom line: Tweeters (or shall I call them Tweetees?) want to be Insiders – of which I have separated into three non mutually-exclusive types.

1) Exclusivity Insiders:  want to know and receive things that non-followers don’t know about (“I’m more special”)

2) Perk Insiders: want stuff such as freebies and discounts (“I know how to work the system”)

3) Information Insiders:  want to be updated on the latest news and happenings (“I’m more knowledgeable”)