Posts Tagged ‘ survey ’

Advertising Gets Credit for Fans of Brands

In the ongoing discussion about the worth of a relationship of a brand on Facebook, DDB and Opinionway Research put together a study to help put more context to how people “like” and “unlike” brands.  In a world of word-of-mouth, isn’t it ironic that advertising directly from the brand wins?

…But what triggers Facebook users to “like” a brand is typically some form of outreach. Most commonly, that outreach comes from the brand itself. Three-quarters of Facebook users worldwide who had “liked” a brand told DDB Worldwide andOpinionway Research in September 2010 that they had been spurred to do so by an invitation or advertising from the brand they followed…

…The effort brands must put into amassing fans doesn’t stop there, of course. While the top reason former fans gave for unsubscribing from Facebook pages was waning interest in the brand, complaints about the information offered on fan pages were also a major factor. Posting too often or posting uninteresting information, taken together, turned off nearly half of respondents….

eMarketer, October 2010

What the Tweet?

As obvious as it seems, I think sometimes we forget: if people choose to follow our companies on Twitter, they’re doing it for a reason – not just to see us navel gaze.  So how do we aim to please this opt-in audience?  Exact Target and CoTweet surveyed 1500 consumers to find out (see chart below).  The bottom line: Tweeters (or shall I call them Tweetees?) want to be Insiders – of which I have separated into three non mutually-exclusive types.

1) Exclusivity Insiders:  want to know and receive things that non-followers don’t know about (“I’m more special”)

2) Perk Insiders: want stuff such as freebies and discounts (“I know how to work the system”)

3) Information Insiders:  want to be updated on the latest news and happenings (“I’m more knowledgeable”)