A Promotion of Fs

With the after Golden Globe glow, the Social Network remains on people’s radar as the Oscars now approach.  While I personally thought the facebook movie was over-hyped, I celebrate another february event: free facebook on flights thanks to Ford in February.  And that’s a lot of Fs.  5 to be exact.  Alliteration at its finest.  I’m sure it’s intentional.  Here’s more about the excitement:

Digital News Report – Several airlines are going to have free access to Facebook during their flights for the month of February. The company Gogo Inflight Internet is offering the free access to the social networking site. The airlines that will have the free Facebook during their flights are AirTran Airways, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, US Airways and Virgin America.

How to get the free access during the flight is as easy as waiting until the airplane has reached 10,000 feet and then the Gogo wireless network will become available. You would then click on the Ford/Facebook banner to access the free service.

Ford helped sponsor the free Facebook service for the month of February. Any electronic device that has Wi-Fi will be able to access Facebook.


Android, why do you complicate things?

Just as I’m daydreaming about the Verizon iPhone, Android makes their big leap as a leader… coincidence?

Doubt it.

“Mobile Mix data indicates 46% of smartphones running on the Millennial network used the Android platform, while 32% used iOS.”



Banner Ads?

Many people don’t care for, or even pay attention to, Banner Ads, and yet we keep using them.

Pity the standard banner ad, the workhorse of the webpage. It does not dazzle with video or rich media or annoy visitors by popping up or under other content. Declining clickthrough rates appear to have stabilized at a mere 0.09% in 2010, falling from a fractional 0.15% in 2008, according to a recent report from MediaMind.
And consumers scorn them: 43% of respondents to an online AdweekMedia-Harris Poll said they ignored or disregarded internet banner ads more than paid search ads and those in traditional media—TV, radio and newspapers.

A .09% click rate? Really? Doesn’t seem very high.

Those sentiments aside, eMarketer estimates that ad spending on standard banners will increase 11.4% in 2011, to $6.56 billion, and will continue to grow to $8.63 billion in 2014.

But we are spending more? What was that definition of insanity? The article goes on to share ways to improve banner ads. They really are a staple of online advertising, even if many people say they ignore banner ads.

Me, me, me, dugh. We have to offer something people want/need in order to generate interest.

But, seriously folks, we need to be more innovative than a traditional banner ad.

Facebook is Taking Over The World


Parents as Facebook Friends?

You decide.

The Topics of Tweets

First of all, it’s all about me.  At least according to a recent Twitter study by Pew Internet & American Life Project, the main topic of twitter is “me.”  My interests, my life, my happenings.  Almost a third of all tweeters share their personal lives with the Twitter world.

The second most popular topic is their work lives, which if you think about it is really just another form of sharing “me.”

News stories, philosophical and humorous observations on life, retweets and direct messages run neck-n-neck for third place in terms of popularity with a little over half of respondents participating in each of these behaviors on Twitter.


Inspiration from other people’s content is one of the more exciting things about the Internet; especially videos. And who doesn’t love a fun video? I have watched many and posted several. Now, I am finding some of the links broken. It is said that when we post something online we are shouting it to the world. But, what happens when what we say is removed? Censored? The inspiration was there, but now it’s harder to explain.

I am actually sad that great things are being removed. It says something…

Dallas Buildings Falling Down

Last week, the producers of the movie The Tourist set up shop on Main Street in Downtown Dallas to tease their new film.  A group of less than 100 huddled around in the wintery cold staring up at an old vacant building in Dallas.  Promptly at 8:00PM, it began.  A play on eyes as the building shifted, bent, and showcased the trailer of the upcoming film.  While I felt the 4D mapping overshadowed the movie,  it could prove an interesting way to get people engaged.  Rather than a movie preview, I envisioned the unveiling of a store concept while the walls flip and bend to show a new dimension of the customer experience.  Or a new product line in the fashion industry in which models appear in unusual ways and walk across the facade of a building.  While I applaud the new way to engage, let’s make sure it connects with the product more directly.

The Vice Guide to Everything

Once again I reveal that not only do I watch a bunch of television, but on suspect channels for my age (MTV and VH1) and with shows that at first seem a little strange (OCD Project, The Buried Life).  But here I go again because I feel like I’ve found an interesting gem of a show that not only gives me a completely different view into the world we live in but does so with a definite style.

Ever heard of Vice Magazine (potentially nsfw)?  How can I sum this up best:  no holds barred, in your face, straightforward talk about politics, art, fashion and other news from around the world.  You may not agree with what they say but they’ll most likely give you a different way of looking at a given issue.  And not to downplay the entertainment aspect of this, these guys are willing to do just about anything to immerse themselves in a culture which can obviously lead to some interesting finds.

Package this kind of information into a 30 minute video format, and you’ve got the new MTV show The Vice Guide to Everything.  And they do mean everything!  Here’s a quick look at the first two shows:

  • Visit to Yemen to see if it’s the next breeding ground for terrorism
  • DIY strip club in Detroit
  • Mafia pop stars in Naples
  • African fantasy coffins
  • The “Hermit Kingdom” of North Korea
  • TV shows made by Russian mobsters about their past crimes
  • Mexican theme parks with an attraction that simulates border crossings
  • How to date a girl in a burqa

Just two episodes in and you can probably tell that this is both controversial and fascinating.  It is not my intent to offend, simply discuss this show, so please watch at your own risk.

However, I do find the openness and experimentation with different cultures to be one of the most interesting parts of this storytelling.  How are we to understand this world if we don’t see issues from different viewpoints?  The style in which they present this information is both raw and opinionated which certainly ups the ante on entertainment.  Finally, the topics they choose…well, it is called Vice for a reason.

I’m looking forward to watching a few more episodes because I find that it’s challenging some stereotypes that are in our mass media, shining light on cultures from around the world and practices that I’ve never heard of, and making me think about things in a way that’s at times uncomfortable but also enlightening.

And perhaps you’re bored with the local news and would rather your weather report be Vice-style.

It’s Snowing on WordPress!

And now it’s snowing on our blog!!

Last week, I saw that it was snowing on the WordPress homepage as I was signing in.  I thought it was fun, played around with the direction of the snow using my cursor, and of course shared it with those around me.  Thinking it was a one-time thing, I was surprised to see that there was still snow this week.  Then I saw this little note from WordPress that explained it all:

December 1st makes a lot of us think of the holidays. It’s hard not to think about snow even if your climate doesn’t bring it. Once again, we’d like to spread snow around the world through WordPress.com.

So I activated snow on our blog to share the seasonal cheer with everyone!

Quick side note on the fun that is WordPress – love their personality when explaining the snow, including the “latin jazz version of Let it Snow” that you can listen to (I opted for listening to it while writing this post rather than when changing my settings).  But how fun!  Makes us proud to be a part of the WordPress community. 🙂