Banner Ads?

Many people don’t care for, or even pay attention to, Banner Ads, and yet we keep using them.

Pity the standard banner ad, the workhorse of the webpage. It does not dazzle with video or rich media or annoy visitors by popping up or under other content. Declining clickthrough rates appear to have stabilized at a mere 0.09% in 2010, falling from a fractional 0.15% in 2008, according to a recent report from MediaMind.
And consumers scorn them: 43% of respondents to an online AdweekMedia-Harris Poll said they ignored or disregarded internet banner ads more than paid search ads and those in traditional media—TV, radio and newspapers.

A .09% click rate? Really? Doesn’t seem very high.

Those sentiments aside, eMarketer estimates that ad spending on standard banners will increase 11.4% in 2011, to $6.56 billion, and will continue to grow to $8.63 billion in 2014.

But we are spending more? What was that definition of insanity? The article goes on to share ways to improve banner ads. They really are a staple of online advertising, even if many people say they ignore banner ads.

Me, me, me, dugh. We have to offer something people want/need in order to generate interest.

But, seriously folks, we need to be more innovative than a traditional banner ad.

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